BC’s New Climate Change Accountability Report Highlights Hydra Energy

The Government of British Columbia released its very first annual climate change accountability report, a requirement of new legislation passed last year. This report tracks actions over the past year to lower emissions and build a cleaner economy. BC has a goal of reducing greenhouse gases by 40% by 2030 from 2007 levels.

Results included a range of positive trends like reduced emissions from large industry and increases in transit ridership. However, Heavy duty freight transportation remains challenging, making up 12.57% of BC’s emissions and lacking cost-effective options to lower their emissions. This is where Hydra Energy comes in! Hydra Energy is proud to be highlighted in the 2019 Climate Change Accountability Report as an early sign that change is afoot in heavy duty trucking. Hydra’s retrofitted trucks displace between 30 and 40% of diesel with green hydrogen… for less than diesel costs.

Go here to read the entire  2019 Climate Change Accountability Report - you’ll find Hydra’s feature on page 47.


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