How Cleantech Companies Networked Into a Cluster Can Help Accelerate Growth

Jeanette Jackson, CEO of Foresight, was featured in the National Observer about making BC a collective hub for clean-tech companies to grow.

“The problem is none of these folks are talking. Everyone’s working in isolation,” she said. “A cluster is intended to break down the barriers between different stakeholder groups and get people working on common goals and objectives.”

Our CEO, Simon Pickup, was happy to be asked to contribute on how Cleantech companies networked into a cluster can help accelerate growth: “Access to growth capital has been challenging for the industry for a long time. That's part of why the clusters are so exciting, to actually get a more critical mass so we can attract more of that capital to grow huge clean-technology winners right here in B.C.”

“There’s going to be an entire new generation of world-changing companies that are going to be built,” he said. “Transitioning every vehicle to something that's clean — that's just an enormous wave, and it could be the opportunity for us to grow, but also be more sustainable at the same time.”

The Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre is working to build such clusters here in BC.


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